Ever meet a hit man? If not, then consider living in his political equivalent: The United States. In Rogue State: A Guide to the World`s Only Superpower, find out how the U.S. sentences blasphemers to death--that is, people and governments blaspheming the "holy objectives of American foreign policy." William Blum supplies us with the facts about:* Why terrorists keep picking on the United States; * The numerous foreign leaders whose assassinations were plotted by the U.S.; * How the U.S. supported Pol Pot but helped incarcerate Nelson Mandela; * The U.S. government`s extensive connection to torture;
* How the U.S. has been a haven for foreign terrorists and human rights violators; * The War Crimes Tribunal that will never be: How the U.S. squelched the charges of war crimes against its own and NATO`s leaders in 1999; * How the U.S. has perverted dozens of foreign elections; and much, much more.
With information such as this available in the public realm, Blum asks, how does the United States get away with it? A major reason, he concludes, is the world`s long-running love affair with the mystique of "America", the world`s adoration of what it believes to be the relentless devotion to the cause of freedom and human rights that is America.
In Rogue State, learn about decades of ubiquitous U.S. cruelty, kept -- remarkably -- from penetrating world consciousness or shocking world conscience. Though President Clinton calls America "the world`s greatest force for peace", William Blum shows that our Rogue State is really a marauding Western brute.
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