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Unspoken Alliance between Israel and Apartheid South Africa

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I found book review of The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa. Read on, buddies. I don’t know whether this book available in Malaysia or not. The apartheid Israel is the real terrorist!
In The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa, historian and Foreign Affairs editor Sasha Polakow-Suransky explores the rise and fall of the Cold War-era alliance between Israel and apartheid South Africa. Polakow-Suransky demonstrates that the relationship was a strategic and ideological pairing bound largely by Cold War posturing and international isolation. The Unspoken Alliance provides a fascinating and well-documented history of a pair of pariah nations and their love affair.

What makes The Unspoken Alliance "unspoken" today is more the -- largely Western -- short-term memory that has an Oslo-era image of Israel in mind. Dozens of nations established ties with Israel after the start of the Oslo process and this, combined with the fall of apartheid in South Africa, led to the notion that both nations were abandoning their oppressive regimes. In its own way, The Unspoken Alliance is a return to literature of the earlier anti-apartheid era. If this is indeed the case, and with the current movement against Israeli apartheid producing vibrations large enough to be reflected in popular and scholarly works, it may well portend the coming end of yet another apartheid state.

Holocaust Denial

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new edition comes with several supplements adding new information.

The first book to treat the central questions of the Holocaust allegation -- the evidence for a German extermination program, for mass killings by poison gas, and for the deaths of some six million Jews -- with academic rigor, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century created Holocaust revisionism as a discipline with its appearance in 1976.

Few professional historians could have devised the brilliant investigative strategy that is central to The Hoax: author Arthur Butz's focus on the information long available to the Allies on the operations of Auschwitz, a strategically important petrochemical center (Butz correctly surmised the existence of U.S. aerial photos of the camp years before it was admitted).

The Hoax's several chapters on the question of Allied knowledge of Auschwitz have busied orthodox experts for nearly three decades with trying to explain how mass operations seem to have gone unnoticed for several years -- to no avail. The Hoax remains at the center of the revisionist inquiry, valuable even in those few areas in which it has been superseded by subsequent revisionist research: a book that, especially in this handsome new design and printing, needs to be read, and re-read, then read again, by every serious revisionist.