Paul Bausch is the co-creator of Blogger.com, the popular weblog software. A veteran Web developer, Paul is skilled in a variety of programming languages and is the creator of several useful blogging tools.
Matthew Haughey started the community weblog MetaFilter.com, which now has over 13,000 members, and helped develop the Blogger.com site and service.
Meg Hourihan is the cofounder of Pyra, the company behind Blogger. A frequent speaker on the subject of weblogs, she runs her own award-winning blog (megnut.com) and was profiled by the New Yorker in an article on weblogs.
If you’re wondering what a weblog is, how to start one, and what the benefits are to blogging, this book is for you. This book steps you through building and maintaining a weblog of your own. It also provides insight into the culture of blogging.
You also can find topic on how to building blog for business and expanding your audience through syndication.
Title: We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs
Authors: Paul Bausch, Matthew Haughey, and Meg Hourihan
Publisher: Wiley Publishing
ISBN: 0-7645-4962-6
Paperback, August 2002, 313 pages
Category: Computer/Internet
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