"He said it was “mischievous” of The Star editor-in-chief Wong Chun Wai to infer that DAP was being opportunistic and had in a “dishonest act of political expediency” inked the document to uphold Malay rights and status of Islam."
The book is Winning Strategies of Anwar Ibrahim. This book is an objective analysis of the strategies and meticulous planning employed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim which enabled the opposition to win five states and 82 parliamentary constituencies at the recent 12th general elections, thereby denying the ruling Barisan Nasional its two thirds majority in parliament.
It is said that the author focuses on the details of the strategies planned by Anwar Ibrahim months before the general elections and how he successfully implemented them. (Source: KiniBooks)
Lim Kit Siang aka dap Eunuch has been in politics for too long. It's time for him to pack and go.
I am just sicked and tired of his obsolete politics.
LKS aka dap Eunuch is no different to all those Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC corrupt politicians.
The longer he stays in politics, the more the rakyat in Bolehland will suffer.
This akai sure is outright arrogant. When meeting him on the street and wanted to say hello to him, his eyes just popping to the sky.
And this stupid akai appoints his balls carriers for local councilors who have the same propensity.
This LKS aka dap Eunuch is just a nuisance when in the opposition, more so when in the government.
LKS and family better go flying kites in Johor Tampoi.
LKS aka dap Eunuch and family, better fcuk off from politics, the sooner the better.
Cannot tahan you anymore
Lim Kit Siang is not the most popular guy around nor is he the fotogenic poster boy or media savvy.
There are 3 billion people on this planet.
we need to have a Lim kit Siang to complete the variety .
Otherwise life will be a bore since everbody look the same.Please dont scold him.
You dunno he spent time in Kamunting wan ah ?
Mah Ngah Tong.
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