The astronomer's research coincides with Quranic verses on the Messiah, which suggest that Mary gave birth to Jesus during the summer season.
Reneke's reference point, Mathew's gospel, coincides with Quranic references to the birth of Jesus Christ as both texts place the event in the summer season.
While Mathew's gospel placed the nativity at somewhere between 3 B.C. and 1 A.D, allowing Reneke to locate the planetary movement to an accurate date in 2 B.C., the Quran notes that Mary went into labor during the summer time as she was instructed by the Angel to eat dates, a summer fruit, from a nearby tree after giving birth to Jesus.
Full article here: Jesus was born in June: Australian scientist
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So many people know Christmas, like Valentine/Mother/Father/Secretary day is created to spur spending.
Ever noticed the deco in shopping centres? Compare that with Christian population in Malaysia.
But whether it's Dec 25 or June xxx, or March xx or Sept xx, Christmas is still tis the season to go shopping la la la la la la.
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