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The problem of Israel confronting the Muslim world today has neither precedent nor parallel in Islamic history. The Muslim world has tended to regard it as another instance of modern colonialism, or at best, a repetition of the Crusades.
The author shows how Israel is neither one of these; but that it is both and more. The book goes into the nature of Zionism, its history, what has kept it alive, Islam's verdict concerning Israel today, the question on whether a secular Palestinian state is an answer to the problem of Israel, and many other topics.
Author is Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, 130 pages and the price is RM19.00. Available at Islamic Book Trust.
Related book: Party of God: An Islamic Movement Perspective. You can buy this book at Islamic Book Trust or Malaysiakini’s Kinibooks.
Related 1: JOM BOIKOT DAN JIHAD: Mark and Spencer, Loreal, Tesco, McDonalds, KFC, Nestle, Coke
Related 2: Let’s BOYCOTT and ALL DEAD, including five months old baby
Boycotting American goods is not good enough. All TV stations and newspapers should also stop printing American goods advertisement. We should also stop using American, British and European cars as they also support the Zionist Regime. We must also boycott British soccer and burn all T shirts of English soccer teams. Long live Palestine
The Hamas fanatics are bombing Israel; it's ok? Yes, that's what they are, Islamist fanatics! And stop labeling any critique of Islam or Muslims as racist because Muslims do not represent a race but only as believers of a faith. And yes, the Muslims are not untouchables by valid or rational criticism or superior to other human beings either! Imagine, soon, these unthinking Muslim protesters might demand these Hamas fanatics be given safe haven in Malaysia!
And this Mahathir is a joke; why is he using Islam to cause hatred for the western world, particularly the US? Because, he can tell those unthinking Muslims, that the US or the western world, cannot interfere in Malaysia's Gov/UMNO’s human rights abuses since they are supposedly complicit in supporting Israel! Devious and manipulative planning I called it! Further, what hypocrisy, Mahathir is living so comfortably in his 'palace' and expect ordinary Malaysians (who are barely surviving with oppressive low wages that him and his Umno wealthy leaders have been championing for) to quit their jobs, and hence they and their children will have to starve is it? Besides, this Umno leaders Mahathir and others have always been against the union and human rights of low-income workers/Malaysians that include decent minimum wage for the workers! What hypocrisy! And blatant abuse of human rights (they probably don't know what it means)!
Katharina Sri
(Former Noor Aza Othman)
eh kurang ajar la 2 ekor yang kasi komen kat atas ni..korg ni naik kepala sejak PR naik ek??aku pon org PR gak..kepala hotak mak bapak ko we insult your religion here stupid ppl?and to those who claim as an ex-muslim..pls prove us that you're really as ex-muslim,anybody can claim anything even me can claim as ex-certain religion when insulting other religion and try to create hatred among ppl..i hope you will meet someone that can bring you back to true path of life..i pitty you,i'll pray for you sis..and to another coward anonymous please join any interfaith conference and why not give that comment in front of other ppl???not just hiding behind this media..hihi i will pray for you as well,may you get blessings from GOd..and for the blog owner pls pls pls read all comments before accepting them..
thank you
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