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Holocaust Denial

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new edition comes with several supplements adding new information.

The first book to treat the central questions of the Holocaust allegation -- the evidence for a German extermination program, for mass killings by poison gas, and for the deaths of some six million Jews -- with academic rigor, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century created Holocaust revisionism as a discipline with its appearance in 1976.

Few professional historians could have devised the brilliant investigative strategy that is central to The Hoax: author Arthur Butz's focus on the information long available to the Allies on the operations of Auschwitz, a strategically important petrochemical center (Butz correctly surmised the existence of U.S. aerial photos of the camp years before it was admitted).

The Hoax's several chapters on the question of Allied knowledge of Auschwitz have busied orthodox experts for nearly three decades with trying to explain how mass operations seem to have gone unnoticed for several years -- to no avail. The Hoax remains at the center of the revisionist inquiry, valuable even in those few areas in which it has been superseded by subsequent revisionist research: a book that, especially in this handsome new design and printing, needs to be read, and re-read, then read again, by every serious revisionist.


Charles said...

Whenever we stand up to those who deny or minimize genocide we send a critical message to the world. As we continue to live in an age of genocide and ethnic cleansing, we must repel the broken ethics of our ancestors, or risk a dreadful repeat of past transgressions. We know from captured German war records that millions of innocent Jews were systematically exterminated by Nazi Germany - most in gas chambers. These facts have been proven repeatedly through countless thesis and dissertation research papers. Virtually every PhD in the world will stake their career on known Holocaust facts. Despite this knowledge, Holocaust deniers ply their mendacious poison everywhere, especially with young people on the Internet. Such deniers have only one agenda - to distort the truth in a way that promotes antagonism against the object of their hatred, or to deny the culpability of their ancestors and heroes.

Museums and mandatory public education are tools to dispel bigotry, especially racial and ethnic hatred. Books and films can also establish the veracity of genocides, such as recent Holocaust films. They help to tell the true story of the perpetrators of genocide; and they reveal the abject terror, humiliation and degradation resulting from such blind loathing and prejudice. It is therefore essential that we disclose the factual brutality and horror of genocide, combating the deniers’ virulent, inaccurate historical revision. We must protect vulnerable future generations from making the same mistakes.

A world that continues to allow genocide requires ethical remediation. Books, films and required public education about genocide can help to reduce such unacceptable behavior. We must show the world that religious, racial, ethnic and gender persecution is wrong; and that tolerance is our progeny's only hope. Only through such efforts can we reveal the true horror of genocide and promote the triumphant spirit of humankind.

Charles Weinblatt
Author, Jacob’s Courage